A girl named Blanka, born in a state institution 1 minute after midnight in Zalaegerszeg, became the first newborn in the country in 2024.
The 36-year-old mother herself from the Zala Vármegyei Szent Rafael Hospital told MTI on the phone that Blanka was born as the second child of the family. The baby girl was born naturally with a weight of 3430 grams and a length of 49 centimeters. It is interesting that in 2023 the first baby of the year was born in the hospital in Zalaegerszeg, too.
In Budapest, a little boy, Donát, became the first newborn of the year. According to the ÉPC-Honvédkórház, he was born at 2:10 a.m., weighing 3,080 grams and 53 centimeters, by caesarean section. Donát is the family’s first child, her mother gave birth to him at the age of 28.