Dr. Saeed Seyed Agha Banihashemi ambassador for Hungary from the Islamic Republic of Iran visited the former City Hall of Debrecen on 7th January, 2011.
Deputy major Bela Somogyi , who is responsible for cultural matters, welcomed the ambassador who was afterwards guided by Ferenc Miklossy, president of Hajdú-Bihar County Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The ambassador and the deputy major discussed the potential role of Debrecen in establishing and strengthening economic and cultural relations between the two countries. Among other things, they talked about the possibility of organizing exhibitions and music programs. After the discussion in the City Hall, Dr. Saeed Seyed Agha Banihashemi visited the University of Debrecen where 250 Iranian students are studying at present. The ambassador has a strong bond to the scientific world since he had worked as a professor in mathematics before he received his diplomatic commission.