Few people want the preventive vaccination in Debrecen. Less than one third of the free vaccination has been taken.
According to predictions, however, the number of those having flu is likely to be multiplied in the next few weeks. The thaw that is expected to come at the weekend will also be favorable for vectors.
On 6 of January, the office in Janosi Street was visited mostly by people who wanted a general check-up or a prescription but nobody asked for vaccination. The patients hope they will not catch the disease, as DTV, local tv says.
“The reason I don’t want vaccination is that I have already got the flu once and I trust it will not find me again.” – says one patient to the reporter.
“I had myself vaccinated both last year and two years ago. I hope I will not catch the disease this year.” – says another patient.
The family doctor also confirms that only a few people ask for the free vaccination. There have been several cases of upper respiratory tract illnesses since Christmas but because of the lack of publicity, few people protect themselves from the flu.
“Those people who could avail themselves of this free provision don’t do it. They have groundless fears and in many cases the information provided by the family doctor is inadequate.” – explains family doctor Dr. Istvan Kovacs.
As compared to the national level, very few people in Hajdu-Bihar County have asked for inoculation. This is well reflected by the fact that only one third of the children suffering from chronic illness have been vaccinated. True, the number of cases of illness has been low so far. In the past few weeks, less than 200 people out of every 100 thousand suffered from upper respiratory tract illness.
Experience shows that the epidemic will begin at around the end of January or at the beginning of February. According to experts, this year will not be an exception from this, so they advise those who can get the vaccination to ask for it.