In his regular interview to public broadcaster Kossuth Radio, Orbán said several European countries were facing utility crises because “Brussels bureaucrats” believed rising utility prices were the way to transition to renewable energy sources. “They’re deliberately raising the prices,” Orbán said, adding that views on the issue were divided along political lines, and that Hungary’s left wing wanted utility prices to be set by the market. If the government had accepted the energy prices favoured by the previous Socialist-liberal governments, an average family would be paying over 360,000-370,000 forints (EUR 1,000-1,031) more in utility costs annually, he said. Orbán said that unlike the government, Brussels believed that if utility prices are raised, economies could be forced to transition to greener energy sources. Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic have put forward several proposals aimed at reducing utility prices, he said, adding that the issue must be discussed again at the next EU summit in two weeks’ time.